Sunday, November 12, 2017


This blog is neither teacher nor summer. It is a huge time saver from starting my college reunion blog, though!

A selection of BU's finest Allegrettos rendezvoused in DC this weekend for a much-too-fast, less-than-48 hours of fun and frolicking centered around the preview of the musical, "Mean Girls." We saw it together in college and have quoted it constantly ever since. When I first heard it was being made into a musical by the Queen-of-All-Things Tina Fey, I knew we had to be there.

We saw some history and ate lots of food before and after the show but mostly just looked, like, really pretty everywhere we went.

We swung by some sights and posed with judgement or posed absurdly, whichever felt the most right.*

Ptarcie took all the selfies:

 I posed with my heroes:**

We all learned many facts we did not learn in history class. I have since concluded that if teachers led with more bizarre factoids, it might make the student buy-in higher.*** Case and point:

Oh, and, #obvs, we saw Mean Girls!! It was funny, it was fetch, it was not the last time I'll see it.****

Should I start planning next fall's reunion? Whatever. I'm getting cheese fries.

*Except Rey, he always smiled appropriately.
**And got the subtitle for my as-yet-to-be-written self-titled memoir.
***Get ready to focus on random composer gossip, my students!
****And definitely not the last time I'll think about being Ms. Norbury in a community theater production.