Sunday, June 26, 2016


AT, UK, and I had a fabulous time in Alaska this week.
We fished with wonderful guides*,
flew sea planes all around,
and floated down what seemed to be our own private rivers.
We invite you all over for a salmon dinner** to hear more about it! 

First thing on the agenda: Learn to fish. UK cheated and already knew how. 
Here you can see I am practicing my "studious" face. We noticed that no one looks terribly happy while fly fishing.***

Next step: Catch fish!
We caught so many salmon.
And pretty rainbow trout!

No ATs**** were harmed in the making of this blog.*****

Breathtaking views were everywhere and we were the only ones there to drink it in.  

Plus, everything is fun with these kids.

Until next time, Alaska!!

*Ben and Bernie are showing off one day's haul!
**Seriously, come on over. There is 110 pounds worth of salmon to eat. 
***Possibly because it's really easy to pull back your rod and catch a family member. (Not pictured)
****But reeling in the big fish can hurt. 
*****Salmon eggs were. 

Thursday, June 16, 2016


Take a seat, friends. You're in for a whole lot of pictures of flowers. Like, a "maybe I have a new career as a photographer for Windows wallpaper images" number of flowers. And this will merely be a fraction of the number I actually took. 

How many times have you heard me go on about flowers, everybody?

Zero. Zero times.*

But today? There were so many. We are in Victoria, British Columbia, and went to Butchart Gardens. It's a hopping tourist destination where the Butchart family turned their leftover rock quarry into a multi-generational gardening project.**

There are multiple gardens, fountains, and views to be seen. But mostly, the flowers. If one flower looks nice, 200 of them together looks better. 

I shall present them without captions because who really cares what we call them? A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.***

I can name places, though! There is the Sunken Garden,
the Ross Fountain,
and the rose garden.

But mostly? So many flowers. 

Microsoft Windows, I look forward to your call and request for future screen savers. 

*Well, there was that one time when lilies almost killed my cat but if you know about that you know you shouldn't bring it up. 
**Wondering what to do with your old pool? Put a plant in it and charge admission. Your great-grandkids will thank you. 
*** That is Shakespearean for "back off, I don't know what kind of flower this is."

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Airport Time

Happy Teacher Summer 2016!!

To my fellow teachers, we did it! To everyone else, I hope you're reading this at your desk!

I want to kick off this teacher summer with a tribute to my dear old dad. We are one week away from Father's Day and I am celebrating him in an airport!

This certainly seems strange unless you know him and know the quality time he has put in at airports all around this world. And, like every good father should, he has instilled in me a love for the things he loves. Or, in this case, a complete disassociation from reality about what time you should actually get to the airport to make your flight. 

Let me tell you all about it. 

My dad is a Virgo and, if you're into that sort of thing, you know that means he's a planner, he's a list-maker, and he's a "need to have a plan in case the original plan doesn't go to plan" man. And it's awesome. If you need to be somewhere, he will have you there in plenty of time because he checked the traffic schedule and knows the best route. If you just moved to a new city and have to immediately go to your new teacher training session, he will unload the Penske truck with all your things, drop it off, take you to your training, and wait for you until it is finished.*

If you have a flight, you'll be at the airport in plenty of time. PLENTY. OF. TIME. 

He has a system, obviously. The family calls it "airport math" and it goes something like this:

Start with the time your flight leaves, say 6:50pm. 

The flight boards at 6:20 and you should be at the gate a half hour before that. (5:50)

You have to go through security, plan at least a half an hour. Busy airport? Add 15-30 minutes. (5-5:20)

Checking a bag? Need to get your boarding pass? Add 20. (4:40-5)

Driving and need to park? Add 30. (4:10-4:30)

You should leave your house with plenty of time and you'll want to add time for rush hour, potential traffic accidents and road closures, and UFO attacks. (In the ATL, 3:10-3:30)

Now, I know what you're thinking: what if I have ways to cut this time down, e.g., not parking, no bag to check, boarding pass on my phone, TSA pre-check?

Doesn't matter. The airport math remains the same because that time will be filled by some other unplanned event and you'll be glad you had it. 

What does airport math usually mean? It means that this family has spent countless numbers of hours waiting at the airport. It means that if you miss your flight you have either been completely thwarted by life or you don't understand numbers.** It means that I have lost all logical knowledge of what time you should really get to the airport and I just continue to get here really early again and again. 

There is an upside. There's always time to eat before your flight. You can definitely get a seat at the gate area because no one else is there yet. You can leisurely walk the 20 minutes to your terminal instead of catching the plane train. You can comparison shop the Cheez-Its at the various Hudson News locations. You can write this entire blog post, talk to your family twice, complete the list above, and still have time to do a few sudokus. 

Dad, I love you, and I am definitely going to make this flight!!


*This is a real life story from Teacher Summer 2008. My dad is the best.

**I have missed one flight in my life ever and it was due to a blizzard, three taxis that didn't show up, a train to a bus situation that broke down, and a frantic run through the Boston airport that resulted in me openly weeping for a very lovely flight attendant who booked me onto another flight immediately.