Thursday, November 24, 2016

A Very Curaçao Thanksgiving

One more from the islands!!

There was a lot to be thankful for today! Please enjoy pictures and a high text to footnote ratio to get you through the holiday.*

 The morning and early afternoon were spent on the beach.** AT enjoyed watching the ships come in and I enjoyed the sunshine. 

The afternoon was spent strolling around the town and a ferry ride when the bridge was unavailable.***



We took some obligatory Curaçao photos but mostly were in awe of other people taking photos and their fantastic posing game. We tried to recreate it but ultimately went with the classic family pose. 



We had a crazy delicious dinner and, even though we were not in America, we lived up to all the American thanksgiving stereotypes.**** No food is pictured because we ate it all. 


Finally, on the walk home we saw a Santa***** parade and fireworks****** and a street party and everything!! This was Thanksgiving to us but just a Thursday to Curaçao.

It's a bit much to live every day like Thanksgiving, but if you live even half your Thursdays with the enthusiasm of Curaçao, you'll be doing alright!

*For you, Kyle!!
**You guys!! This beach is a sham!! You can't even tell! We are on the second floor of the hotel here at a salt water with sand infinity pool that overlooks the harbor. It was trippy and the perfect solution to a no-beach problem. 
***The bridge floats and moves out of the way sometimes to let ships through! IS THIS WHOLE TOWN A FACADE????
****We ate way too much at the main meal but all still ordered dessert and ate all that too. We complained about how full we were the whole way home but also talked about the things we would eat again. America. 
*****Looking dapper in blue and balloons!
******I broke one of my strongest beliefs today and took a picture of fireworks. That's right, I think firework photos look stupid and I judge you pretty harshly when you post them on NYE or July 4th. I think, "Put the camera down. Watch the fireworks. Your pictures look lame and don't do it justice." And you know what? This picture looks lame and it doesn't do it justice but I took a picture to show that they existed. And with Scarlett O'Hara as my witness, I will never take a picture of a firework again. 

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