Monday, April 2, 2018

Indirect Flights

Ah, the glamour of travel. It takes you to new locations, exposes you to new cultures, lets you try delicious new foods, and it makes you appreciate how people all over the world are living similar lives devoted to finding some piece of happiness in their country, state, or town. 

Today, travel has taken me to 14+ hours at the Copenhagen airport. 

Well, technically, it took me from Copenhagen to a runway in Norway to 10 minutes away from the Faroe Islands and then back to Copenhagen. After leaving my Copenhagen hotel at 5:15am, I finally arrived to my hotel in the Faroe Islands at 10pm (11pm Copenhagen time). Today, travel has given me the chance to evaluate my life choices and observe my fellow humans as we are all trapped calmly (though miserably) together. 

Have I learned anything about myself or humanity today? Probably not.* Jet lag and cat naps got me through the first half of the day in a pleasantly drowsy state. The second half of the day was mostly spent wondering why sitting was so painful or debating how far I had to force myself to walk before I could sit down. 

The few reflections I did manage, I give to you now:

Movies about hostages becoming unlikely friends in times of adversity are spot on. Walking around the airport and seeing fellow passengers consistently led to smiles, waves, and “solidarity, sister” head nods. 

The Copenhagen airport has some lovely architecture. I got to visit one particular hall multiple times. The first time I walked through at 6am, I actually thought, “oh, how nice.” Maybe I should have taken a picture then instead of the universe sending me back there six hours or so later to get it. 

Perhaps, Kelly, you could be less passive-aggressive toward the annoying people that want to rearrange their seats in your row for no reason. You think you’ll be next to them for a three hour tour, but really, you’re stuck on this island with them forever. There’s no need for any of this resentment and it’s only hurting you. 

Scandinavia does have sunny days! We flew over and through and around more sunshine than I’ve seen in weeks.** 

Norway looks awesome! I should really go there for real! Thanks for that bonus point landing, though. I was SUPER PUMPED when I put together that we were landing and that the only logical place it could be was Norway. 

Don’t understand the announcement in Danish or Faroese but too impatient to wait for the English version? Read the room’s body language. Furious head shaking and grumbling means the delay is indeterminately longer. Bemused “huh!” faces mean they say we are boarding in ten but we’re reserving judgment until they open up that gate door. A smattering of applause means the latest pilot is planning to fly us all the way to the proper destination. 

And finally, was it worth all this? Was it worth napping on and off next to strangers while pilots and crew personnel made sure the plane was safe enough to land properly? Was it worth sitting in terminals and concourses reading and doing crosswords and sudokus to pass time? Of course it was, you moron.*** You had truly nothing else to do today other than get to this place, you put zero effort into looking like your life is together, and you even got an extra country point for all your trouble. Suck it up. This is the true glamour of travel and every once in a while karma has to give you a crappy day so you can really be appreciative the next time you pull into the gate three minutes ahead of schedule. Today, travel reminded you that 15 hours to go a two hour flight is still better than not going there at all. 

I was really hoping to post pictures of the island when I landed but . . . it was dark. But it looks really cool! Very Iceland-ish. I’ll definitely get pictures tomorrow. Tomorrow is another day to travel, Scarlett.

*Definitely not.

**Why is Norwegian Air celebrating a Spanish scientist on their plane? I don't know and I refuse to look it up but it made me happy enough to see it so here you go.

***As always, this term is directed at me. Not you, dear reader.

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